Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield / Aldcliffe

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      LDBWS Feeding Station

      5 degrees Celsius

      Chaffinch 48
      Linnet 15
      Reed Bunting 6
      Stock Dove 6
      Brambling 4 (3 fems)
      Song Thrush 1



      Lapwing 1800 on Aldcliffe Marsh N
      Starling 700 on Aldcliffe Marsh N
      Curlew 130 on Aldcliffe Marsh N and 12 A5
      Canada Goose 110 on Aldcliffe Marsh N
      Peregrine 1 Aldcliffe Marsh S

      Redshank 17 (A14)

      Freeman’s Pools (A2):

      Wigeon 70
      Tufted Duck 16
      Coot 13
      Gadwall 7
      Goldeneye 7
      Little Grebe 4
      Mallard 3
      Moorhen 2

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