Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      LDBWS Feeding Station 1200:

      7 degrees Celsius

      Chaffinch 60
      Linnet 20
      Stock Dove 10
      Reed Bunting 6
      Brambling 4 (1m)
      Song Thrush 1


      Admiralty Wood (SD467604):

      Starling 100
      Redwing 80
      Fieldfare 30
      Mistle Thrush 2
      Kestrel 1


      2 Grey Wagtail Ashfield Avenue Lancaster (SD469614)

      Alasdair Taylor
        Post count: 60

        Sunday 8.00 2C and lots of impatient birds waiting! Chaffinch 30, Reed Bunting 20, Brambling 10 (including some males), Linnet 1, plus robins, blackbirds, blue and great tits, song thrush and dunnock. There were 2 great spotted woodpeckers drumming in the vicinity and a vocal nuthatch in Pony Wood. Single mistle thrush and redwing in the field leading towards Aldcliffe village. Several hundred frightened pinkfoot geese over, fleeing from the artillery down on the marshes.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          LDBWS Feeding Station 1200:

          9 degrees Celsius

          Chaffinch 58
          Linnet 25
          Brambling 5 (1m)
          Reed Bunting 5
          Stock Dove 4
          Song Thrush 1

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