Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Ldbws feed table etc 25.10

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  • Filosophy
      Post count: 79

      At and around table, c 8.30

      Got told off twice for going in the field… I was let off after some interrogation. Saw very little at the table, there was a meeting happening, métal detectorist about to scour the field for artefacts!

      In and around the table field, on my way there and back:
      4 male pheasants
      4 woodpigeons
      1 chaffinch
      2 robins
      1 wren
      3m 2f blackbirds
      2 blue tits
      2 long tailed tits
      Several crows
      1 rook
      1 thrush

      Pond nearby:
      Looked like 2 pair of teal, 2m 2f
      1 canada goose
      Pair mallard
      4 moorhens
      4 woodpigeons
      Few crows

      Willow lane, by the start of footpath:
      12 goldfinch flocked in a sycamore

      25 geese, looked like grey lag, flying towards estuary

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