Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Lancaster Canal- Galgate to Ellel Grange

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  • Joshh
      Post count: 91

      Galgate Marina

      Goosander- 4 (2 drakes)
      Blackcap- 1 singing
      Great Spotted Woodpecker- 1 drumming around SD481546
      Chiffchaff- 4
      Mistle Thrush

      Ellel Grange
      Blackcap- 1 singing
      Chiffchaff- 4
      Swallow- 2
      Grey Wagtail- 2
      Treecreeper- 2
      Great Spotted Woodpecker- 1 drumming at SD482537

      Burrow Heights, Scotforth 3.4.21
      Great Spotted Woodpecker- 2 including one drumming at SD472585

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