Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings House Martins

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  • jeffbutcher
      Post count: 124

      In previous years, house martins have nested at Bare seafront, collecting mud from the beach for nests. They have had several nests on the gable end of 448 Marine Drive East (you can see the marks in Streetview of Google Maps) and they also nested on the tall buildings at the corner of Park Street.
      Until now this year there has been little sign of house martins, just a couple of brief sightings and they seemed to be flying back over the tops of front houses, well inland.
      Today I found two house martins collecting mud and making some attempt at building a nest in the very top of the gable end of 448. This seems rather late to me, but I will keep an eye on them and report outcome.

      Black-headed gulls the most numerous bird on the falling tide (09.15) this morning – 103 including a small number of juveniles.

      Jeff B

      Jen Woodward
        Post count: 29

        Eight active House Martin nests at Allandale Gardens off Willow Lane, Lancaster on 11th July 2022.

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