Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Heysham & Morecambe

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 219

      Heysham Village Bay – 48 Pale-bellied Brent Geese close to the promenade off the play area between Whinnysty Lane and Knowlys Road (including the Canadian colour-ringed pair VD and VT) at 9.50 am
      1 adult Mediterranean Gull on the beach, then flew off towards Whinnysty Lane

      Sandylands Promenade, Morecambe – Black Redstart on gutter by ‘blue house’ at 10.15 am but flew off over roof tops, possibly due to the presence of a Robin

      Seaborn Groyne, Bare – Not sign of any Purple Sandpiper on the early stage of the rising tide
      370 Eider and 5 Great Crested Grebe floated past on rising tide

      Pete C

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