Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Halton to Aldcliffe cycle ride

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  • Steve Graham
      Post count: 108

      A pleasant ride to Aldcliffe along the recently reopened cycle path. Good to see plenty of native tree planting has taken place during its closure along with sunny bare patches left for grasses and wildflowers.

      St. George’s Quay – several Goosander along with 2 redhead Mergansers. Sad to see nearly all the good Common Blue habitat is slowly being built on.

      Freeman’s Pool – min. 11 Goldeneye, 8 Sand Martin through and 2 Swallows but generally scarce.

      Wildfowlers Pools – 2 LRP, 5 White Wagtails. Plenty of Chiffchaff & Blackcaps about but didn’t hear Willow Warbler.

      The Flood – single White Wagtail, sev. Meadow Pipits, more Swallows & Sand Martins. c30 BT Godwit and Greenshank called as cycling by but bird not located.


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