Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Galgate and Glasson Branch

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  • Joshh
      Post count: 91

      Highland Brow, Galgate
      Lapwing- 4
      Oystercatcher- pair plus one chick

      Galgate Marina
      Mute Swan- pair with 5 cygnets
      Greenfinch- 3
      Long-tailed tit- 7 (family party)
      Willow Warbler

      Canal- Glasson Branch
      Mute Swan- two pairs, one with five cygnets, and the other with six by Conder Mill
      Sedge Warbler- 3 singing/displaying
      Sparrowhawk- 1
      Great Spotted Woodpecker-1
      Chiffchaff- 3
      Reed Bunting- 2
      Jackdaw- 70 in recently cut field
      Rook- 30 in same field

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