Sunday 4th August c 7.30-8.30pm
Quick loop from Freeman’s pond round the estuary path to wildfowlers pool and back
Freeman’s pond:
Pair of canada geese with smaller presumably juv canada goose
Small group of mallards
1 coot
Frog pond area:
Several woodpigeons
Several crows
Flying above, Possible martins 10+
Pair of waders feeding in field opposite again, no ID, juvenile curlew??
Lune at lowtide:
1 great white egret seen
Lapwing and starlings together on mud and some above, at least 20 of each at a glance
Along estuary path:
Group of geese heard out of sight in river beyond marsh. Group of
14 flew over my head to join, doing summersaults.possibly greylags?
4 curlews seen and heard; 3 in marsh and 1 flew across marsh from wildfowlers area.
Small pool by the paths in field: 8 canada geese.
1 brown buzzard flew from tree by estuary path to tree by freeman’s pool.
Swallows above at least 15
Wildfowlers Pool:
1 solitary greylag
1 moorhen
Group of 9 ducks, no ID, several more similar in reeds
1 grey heron which moved to tubular roost in field nearby
This topic was modified 1 month ago by Filosophy.