Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Fairfield NR

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      The reserve’s arable field near Pony Wood SD468606 this PM:

      Linnet 30
      Reed Bunting 7
      Chaffinch 6
      Stock Dove 5
      Meadow Pipit 5
      Kestrel 1
      Mistle Thrush in song Pony Wood.

      Would anyone be amenable to helping with a LDBWS / Fairfield feeding station there to benefit / monitor / enjoy the farmland birds? Would be good to have a low feeding platform and we’d need seed / funds for seed for e.g. this winter and the next. We could have good views of finches and buntings (and hopefully tree sparrows and skylarks) from the comfort of a bench.

      Colour ringed ad Black-headed Gull by canal Aldcliffe Road SD472608: blue 2N32.

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