Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Fairfield / Aldcliffe / Freeman’s

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Highlights of a snowy walk:

      Pony Wood 8 Fieldfares and 5 Redwings. Singing Nuthatch and drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker.

      LDBWS farmland feeding station

      Chaffinch 25
      Goldfinch 17
      Reed Bunting 5
      Robin 4
      Dunnock 3
      Stock Dove 2
      Lesser Redpoll 1

      Aldcliffe Marsh N

      A Woodcock on the wing
      (no Barnacle Geese seen)

      Freeman’s Frozen Pools

      Sparrowhawk 2 males
      Buzzard 1
      Cetti’s Warbler 1 (contact calls- heard only)

      Three Roe Deer (2m) Freeman’s Wood.

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