Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Evening at Leighton Moss

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  • John Webb
      Post count: 143

      7th June.
      2 spoonbills in the trees by Island Mere at 20.00 (on 3rd 3 flew in at 21.10, did 3 circuits of the roost, and went out again). 3 little egrets flying through over Causeway Pool in direction of Sandside.
      Pochard with 1 duckling on Lilians Pool
      Bittern briefly on edge of reeds opposite Grisedale Hide, from which bearded tits active
      Wader activity on/above newly developed area opposite Grisedale included redshank, lapwing, snipe, a party of black-tailed godwits, and a green sandpiper.

      Also on 3rd: 2 otter sightings, 20.30 and 21.55; 4 little egrets and 1 great white into the roost, but I left 25 minutes after sunset so plenty of time for more to have gone in. (5th: 6 little egrets feeding beside JBP breakwater, with at least 4 of them sitting out 8.45 high tide on rocks beside breakwater; common whitethroat displaying in regular lesser whitethroat area on Jack Scout.)

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