Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe Pools & Gait Barrows

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 219

      Eric Morecambe Pools (from Crag Road viewpoint)
      1 Spoonbill – Eric Morecambe Pool South
      17 Little Egret – spread across salt-marsh pools
      54 Avocet – spread across salt-marsh pools
      350 godwit – mixed flock of Black-tailed & Bar-tailed on Eric Morecambe Pool North
      No sign of Curlew Sandpiper seen yesterday among the godwit flock
      4 Pochard – 3 males on Allen Pool, 1 female on Barrow Scout Fields

      Gait Barrows
      7+ Duke of Burgundy – in usual roped-off area at NE end of reserve
      2+ male Brimstone
      1 Large White
      3 Orange-tip – 2 males, 1 female

      Pete C

        Post count: 11

        EM pools from EM hide 17:00-19:00

        as above but the Bar-t Godwits were gone +
        3 Common Gull
        1 Little Gull (1st summer)
        4 LBBG
        1 Herring Gull
        1 Curlew
        1 Dunlin
        2 Eider m & f

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