Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe & Leighton on 14th

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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 607

      Eric Morecambe
      Greenshank 4
      Spotted Redshank 1
      Redshank 995
      Wigeon 148
      Black-tailed Godwit 2
      Black tailed Godwit 40
      Marsh Harrier 2
      John Wilson

      John Webb
        Post count: 128

        Afternoon of 14th at Eric Morecambe
        A few pinkfeet and 1 barnacle goose visible amongst the greylags on the outer marsh, spoonbill splitting its time between Morecambe and Allen Pools

        Steve Graham
          Post count: 107

          October 15th

          A beautiful crisp classic October day at LM. As expected the Beardies were performing well. Around 20 noted along the Causeway with a male feeding on the reed heads within 6 feet of the track. Of note at one point there were 6 birds, 2 males and 4 females/juvs on the grit trays. All six birds were unringed.

          A taste of Autumn with returning Siskins and Goldcrests on the track to Lower Hide along with 2 flyover Redpolls.

          6 Cetti’s Warblers in song around the reserve and 2 Chiffchaffs on the saltmarsh track. One briefly in full song.

          2 Red Admiral, 1 Migrant Hawker, 3 Common Darters noted.

          Earlier than my visit 3 Otters and Spoonbill noted at Lower Hide.

          An excellent day out in the diminishing days of sunshine!


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