Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe Complex & Fell End

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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 607

      Erc Morecambe
      Spoonbill 1
      Black-tailed Godwit 42
      Little Ringed Plover 1 reported
      Avocet 54 plus 1 young
      Teal 9
      Gadwall 15
      Wigeon 1

      Fell End
      Gadwall 2 broods of small young 7 & 5
      John Wilson

        Post count: 178

        Up to 4 spoonbill present at times today (inc 2 flying over main reserve in the morning).
        Also, the first marsh harrier fledgling emerged from one of the nests today. How many more to come?

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