Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe Complex

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 607

      Spoonbill 3
      Greenshank 10
      Black-tailed Godwit 165
      Ruff 2
      Redshank 240
      Common Sandpiper 1
      Avocet 34 including 17 young
      Teal 94
      Osprey and Spotted Redshank reported.
      John Wilson

      Nick Godden
        Post count: 154

        Spoonbill 5
        Garganey juv
        Teal 112
        Pintail 2
        Greenshank 7
        Black-tailed godwit 747
        Redshank 386
        Ruff 1
        Little ringed plover 3
        Dunlin 14

        Barrow Scout
        Teal 134
        Garganey the regular drake still from Bride’s Seat
        Great white egret 2

      Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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