Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eider morecambe prom

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  • Filosophy
      Post count: 80

      Sun 19th Jan
      C 2.30pm
      High tide just out from Morecambe prom between clock tower and Venus sculpture

      Looked like Several small groups of eider diving, saw some close up with a good view,approx 20-25 in total.

      One group comprised 5f, 1adult male, 1 young male

      Another group comprised 3f 3 adult male (with what looked like a f tufted duck in tow)

      Looked like at least another another two groups of between 4 and 6 further up

      • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Filosophy.
      Tom Walkington
        Post count: 68

        Could the bird in tow be the female Scaup?

          Post count: 80

          Hi Tom, we thought it looked like a f scaup but weren’t sure so thought it was more likely to be the commoner f tufted duck. It seems Nick G has seen a f scaup with some Eider so that may have been the one we saw.

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