Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Dead Mute Swan, Aldcliffe

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  • Jen Woodward
      Post count: 29

      Dead Mute Swan on Frog Pond, Aldcliffe this morning. Am in process of reporting to DEFRA.

      Jen Woodward
        Post count: 29

        Now heard back from DEFRA and thought I’d post in case others are unfamiliar with what happens when you report a dead bird re. suspected Avian Flu. DEFRA have recorded the dead swan for monitoring purposes. Unsurprisingly, they do not collect single dead birds. The DEFRA contact I spoke to explained that in this case, because the bird is on private land, it is the responsibility of the landowner to deal with the carcass.

        Other birds are using Frog Pond – there was a Heron and a Little Egret on it when I saw the dead swan, plus Greylag Geese in the adjacent field. Do we just hope the landowner deals with it?

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