Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder Green/Lancaster Canal

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  • Luke
      Post count: 15

      Fantastic walk this morning yielded some great sightings, with highlights including:

      Avocet 10 ad 6 juv, inc ad+2juv on estuary
      Little Ringed Plover 1
      Mediterranean Gull 1 1st summer
      Common Tern 14
      Barn Owl 1, flew into barn

      Great Crested Grebe 2, on Glasson Dock
      Reed Warbler 1 (heard only), in small patch of reeds near Glasson

      Sedge Warbler 8, most along Lanc canal
      Tree Sparrow several
      Reed Bunting 8+

      Hobby 1 ad, flew over S Lune near start of cycle path
      Redpoll 1, in trees by conder green car park
      Little Egret 28 at least on the estuary

      Non birds included:
      Banded Demioselle 2m 1f
      Common Blue and Blue Tailed Damselflies
      White Plume Moth
      Common Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood and Smale White Butterflies
      Brown Hare 1
      A nice variety of plants – Mallow and Thrift were new for me – also bush vetch, birds-foot trefoil, yellow flag iris etc…

      65 spp of birds and some good ones at that. Well done everyone. Thanks all for coming : )


        Post count: 20

        Thanks Luke. It was brilliant.

        Pete Marsh
          Post count: 58

          Worth recording the white plume – nowhere near as common as used to be – if you give a grid ref I’ll stick it on mapmate ready for next sync with county records hub. Thanks

          Alasdair Taylor
            Post count: 60

            Thanks Luke, most enjoyable. As demonstrated yesterday, the combination of the pools, estuary and canal make for a great compact birdwatching triangle. Sorry I had to leave early and missed the Hobby!

              Post count: 15

              Cheers all, grid ref for the white plume is SD463552.

              Pete Marsh
                Post count: 58

                Thanks Luke

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