Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder Green

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      27th April

      Conder Green

      Spotted Redshank 1
      Greenshank 1
      Common Sandpiper 1
      Swift 6 east
      House Martin/Swallow/Sand Martin – small trickle east, 5/10/5
      Reed Warbler 1
      Lesser Whitethroat 1
      Whimbrel 1 over
      Knot 1
      Black tailed Godwit 7
      Greylag Goose fresh chicks hatched
      Black headed Gull 210
      Mediterranean Gull 1 2CY
      Common Gull 13
      Cattle Egret 2

      Very high birds over included Buzzard 4, Grey Heron 1 south, Kestrel 1 north

      Still no Common Terns, which are overdue.

      Also, 5 Whimbrels on field by crossroads of Little Fell Lane and Wyresdale Road at 8am.

      Ian Hartley

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