Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder & Glasson

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      25th July

      Conder Green
      Little Grebe 8
      Common Tern 8 adults, 1 juvenile from elsewhere
      Greenshank 14
      Avocet 12
      Dunlin 8
      Redshank 410
      Common Sandpiper 6

      Lune from Glasson bowling green
      Great Egret 1
      Lapwing 170
      Goosander 9
      Avocet 2

      Glasson Marsh
      Golden Plover 57
      Eider 7 plus 2 chicks
      Black headed Gull 145
      Arctic Tern 1 adult flew from upriver and continued south until lost to view

      Blea Tarn
      Mediterranean Gull 1 unringed adult

      Ian Hartley

      Alan Smith
        Post count: 73

        Hidden from Ian’s viewpoint, 38 Curlew, Glasson Marsh
        Add one extra Eider Duckling.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          A Kingfisher and a Yellow Wagtail (juv) on Conder Pool yesterday evening 25 July.

          Also there 12 Pied Wagtails (all juveniles) and 14 adult Common Terns. A Green Sandpiper in the creek at cSD456559.

          Between Conder Green and Ashton 350 Greylags and an adult Mediterranean Gull in the stubble in ASC13.

          Whimbrel feeding in the seaweed at Ashton at SD455571. Always been a good spot to watch this species from the mixed use path.

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