Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder & Glasson

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      11th July 2021

      Conder Green
      Greenshank 4
      Common Sandpiper 20
      Mediterranean Gull 1 adult pool, 1 adult over
      Little Ringed Plover 1
      Little Grebe 2 adults
      Common Tern – third brood fledged, fourth should fledge next week, four pairs on eggs.

      Lune from Glasson bowling green
      Goosander 15
      Little Egret 21
      Wigeon 2
      Avocet 10
      Bar tailed Godwit 1
      Black tailed Godwit 10
      Curlew 40
      Lapwing 575
      Dunlin 13

      Blea Tarn Reservoir
      Mediterranean Gull 6 (4 ads, 2 2CY) about 0800, then all flew off NE.

      Ian Hartley

      Barrie Cooper
        Post count: 143

        One 2CY Mediterranean Gull on the Lune near Ashton Hall

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