Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder & Glasson

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      17th Dec

      Conder Green
      Teal 201
      Pochard 1 female
      Wigeon 28
      Bullfinch 1

      Jeremy Lane and east end of Moss Lane
      European White-fronted Goose 1
      Merlin 1 adult male
      Kestrel 1
      Sparrowhawk 3
      Buzzard 2
      Pied Wagtail 135 on wet field

      Glasson Basin
      Goldeneye 8
      Goosander 6

      Glasson Marsh
      Golden Plover 3130
      Lapwing 4600
      Dunlin 380
      Black tailed Godwit 800
      Curlew 85
      Wigeon 640
      Great Black-backed Gull 30

      Ian Hartley

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