Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder & Glasson

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      2nd Jan

      Conder Green
      Teal 200
      Little Grebe 4
      Snipe 12
      Greenshank 1
      Rock Pipit 2 (3rd bird possible Water Pipit but not seen well enough)

      Glasson Marsh
      Water Pipit 1
      Wigeon 600
      Peregrine 1 1stW female
      Black-tailed Godwit 140
      Bar-tailed Godwit c700
      Golden Plover 450
      Lapwing 1640
      Teal 75
      Red-breasted Merganser 1 male
      Grey Seal 1 swimming downriver on falling tide

      Jeremy Lane
      Bewick’s Swan 12 (8 ads 4 juvs)

      Blea Tarn reservoir
      Mediterranean Gull 1 adult
      Greylag Goose 163
      Snipe 17

      Ian Hartley

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