Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Cockersands/Thurnham/Conder

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  • Clay G
      Post count: 35

      On the sea/marsh from Bank End (9:30am):
      – c40 Shelduck
      – c20 Wigeon
      – Goosander pair (m/f)
      – c10 cormorants
      – Redshank, oystercatcher, curlew, mallards, LBB gulls

      Around the caravan park:
      – Barn owl hunting over the marsh
      – 3 buzzards over park
      – 1 collared dove

      Abbey fields (10:30am):
      – 8 teal in the pool
      – Flock c500 golden plover
      – Linnets, skylarks and a couple of pied wagtails
      – Merlin feeding in field behind Lighthouse Cottage (thanks Dan for help with the ID)

      Plover Scar:
      – Mostly turnstone and dunlin – 100+ of each
      – Plenty of ringed plover – c50?
      – 2 grey plover
      – 1 knot
      – 3 or 4 oystercatcher

      Thurnham (13:30)
      – 4 cattle egret still in field near Jeremy Lane – only visible from Moss Lane
      – c150 whoopers in fields visible from Jeremy Lane
      – Handful of mutes with them
      – 10 shelduck also
      – Still lots of skylarks

      Glasson & Conder
      Glasson -> Conder Footpath:
      – Decent number of common gulls on Lune seen from Glasson bowling green at around 15:00
      – 1 chiffchaff singing along Glasson branch of canal
      – Large flock of godwits (c300) flew overhead from the direction of Conder Pool towards Lune at 15:30

      Conder Pool (~16:00):
      – 2 med gulls with black-headed gulls
      – 1 oystercatcher
      – Pair tufted ducks
      – 1 cormorant
      – 1 common gull
      – Some mallards
      – 1 dunlin
      – 2 knot
      – No sign of the avocets

      Conder creek:
      – 1 greenshank
      – 1 spotted redshank – right opposite the Conder Pool hide

      Glasson bowling green again (17:00)
      – 500+ knot
      – 350+ black-tailed godwits
      – 1 turnstone

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