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  • Jean Roberts
      Post count: 54

      Feeding in sheep and silage field:
      Black-headed Gull 74
      Common Gull 163
      Curlew 1
      Lapwing 2
      Pink-footed Goose 400+

      Nest-building in tall trees
      Rook 14 nests

      On feeder:
      Siskin 4
      Coal Tit 2

      Flying to stream:
      Grey Wagtail 1

      On roof:
      Pied Wagtail 1
      Jackdaw 2 back at nest site but chimney cowls on so flew off to find another chimney to block up

      In brickworks screening trees:
      Chiffchaff 1 singing in the morning only. Probably passing through and possibly 2 others.
      Great Spotted Woodpecker – male calling. A female has visited the feeder previously as well. Probably nesting in Black Wood.

      • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Jean Roberts.
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