Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Caton Moor circular….

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  • Steve Graham
      Post count: 107

      Excellent early morning walk despite the raw NE wind from Brookhouse via Littledale Road, Roeburndale Road over Caton Moor back via Moorside Road. c7 miles/47 species recorded.

      Highlights included:

      Redstart 1 singing just up from hairpin bend before first cattle grid on RD Road on left in Birch/Oak woodland. Never had one here previously. Also here 4 of 9 singing Willow Warblers.

      Just before first cattle grid on left chipping Snipe, 1 of 3 and pair of Redshank. Good numbers of Lapwing, OC, Curlew around along with good numbers of Mipit and Skylark.

      On fenceline between the two cattle grids were 4 Wheatears all males. A further pair were on track over Caton Moor.

      4 Buzzards and 2 Kestrels where in the bins together at one point.

      No Stonechat seen may have been keeping their heads down.

      Several pairs of Stock Doves noted near disused barns.

      Probably a few days too early for Cuckoo.


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