Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Canalside Cetti’s

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 537

      Mr. Atkins still singing (since spring 2020!) along the ‘Atkliffe’ stretch of canal Between Haverbreaks and Ashton Rd bridge– seeming to favour the scrubby / reedy Lunecliffe corner (A23) SD470594 towards the water works which has lots of good nesting habitat.

      You can tell it’s the same male and not its recent rival because of its atypical / variant song– which is more Nightingale / Thrush Nightingale-like.

      Oystercatcher nesting in field (A21).

      Three broods of recently fledged Tree Sparrows with five adults along this stretch centred around SD470597.

      Seem to be better numbers of Swallows feeding here this spring (now 12+), and single Common Terns fishing here in recent afternoons.

        Post count: 97

        You can tell it’s the same male and not its recent rival because of its atypical / variant song– which is more Nightingale / Thrush Nightingale-like.

        This must be why the Spanish name for Cetti’s warbler is “bastard nightingale”

        Alasdair Taylor
          Post count: 61

          I heard another “Atkins’ bastard nightingale” along the Glasson branch of the canal Wednesday evening.

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 537

            Si, there’s a pair nesting near Glasson (for the first time).

              Post count: 140

              I have a couple of recordings but am struggling to upload them.

                Post count: 97

                Guy, I can help with that! Probably the best place to put them would be xeno-canto, but if you struggle to register or whatever, I can upload them there for you, if you email them to me [email protected].

                  Post count: 97

                  I’ve been down to listen to Mr Atkins now, this is the best I could get, because he kept moving around, and I only had my phone!


                  Dan Haywood
                    Post count: 537

                    How big were the sound files Guy? The webmaster told me he’d increased attachment limit to 12Mb but I’m struggling too (trying attach a 4.7Mb JPEG).

                      Post count: 97

                      Just testing something. I suspect the forum just doesn’t support non-image file types, but let’s see…
                      EDIT: nope, seems fine. Maybe what Guy was uploading was a bit bigger (maybe WAV format, which is uncompressed and so a bigger file, and maybe a bit of a long clip?)

                        Post count: 140

                        I have edited down the size of the video, hopefully this will work.

                        Dan Haywood
                          Post count: 537


                            Post count: 140

                            There are 2, but possibly 3 Cetti’s on this stretch. The original Mr. Atkins was calling in the thicket close to where the footpath from Ashton Rd. meets the towpath. There was another Mr. Atkins singing on the opposite side of the canal opposite to the moored boats, 200m north. A third bird was heard calling about 70m north of Mr. Atkins. This was either Mr. Atkins or a third bird.

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