Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Bull Beck & Roeburndale

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  • Steve Graham
      Post count: 107

      A brief stop off at Bull Beck produced:

      Garden Warbler 2s, Blackcap, Willow Warbler. Common Sandpiper and plenty of Sand Martins active.

      Then onto Roeburndale and a 3 hour circular walk around Outhwaite Wood. Beautiful as ever, song slightly subdued as the clouds rolled in. 43sp recorded here, highlights:

      Blackcap 13s
      Willow Warbler 10s
      Chiffchaff 7s
      Redstart 6s
      Pied Fly 12s
      Mistle Thrush 3s
      Cuckoo 1 called briefly.

      Other highlights GSW 3, 1 drumming, Goosander 1 over, Nuthatch 3, Stock Dove 1pr, Sparrowhawk female.

      Sadly no Green Woodpecker heard and Wood Warbler has faded away in last decade or so. Bluebells just about peaking at this higher altitude.


      Steve Graham
        Post count: 107

        Forgot to mention nothing at on all the fence lines despite a flurry of migrant activity at the moment. Hopefully, the Stonechats are busy breeding out of sight.


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