Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Barbondale 9th May 1730-2100

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  • Author
  • JoeMakepeace
      Post count: 2

      Garden Warbler – 1
      House Martin -4
      Swallow – 15
      Jackdaw – 20+
      Magpie 2
      Carrion Crow – 8
      Kestrel – 2
      Blackbird – 6
      Blackcap – 4
      Cuckoo – 3 Together
      Pied Wagtail – 1
      Woodpigeon – 14
      Pheasant – 7
      Song thrush – 10+
      Chiffchaff – 5
      Mistle thrush – 6
      Chaffinch – 40+
      Blue tit 3
      Wren – 2
      Willow Warbler – 8
      Swallow – 17
      Nuthatch – 2
      Siskin – 3
      Grey Wagtail – 1
      Great Spotted Woodpecker – 2
      Sparrowhawk – 1
      Stock Dove – 2
      Jay – 1
      Mallard – 2
      Pied Flycatcher – 1
      Curlew – 2
      Meadow Pipit – 5
      Lesser Redpoll – 1
      Common Sandpiper – 2 on river
      Wheatear – 1
      Grey Heron – 1
      Goldcrest – 1
      Redstart (Heard) – 1 (Possibly 2)
      Swift – 2
      Buzzard – 3
      Rook – 40+

      • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by JoeMakepeace.
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