Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Arnside Estuary Birds

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  • johnbromley
      Post count: 151

      Pink footed Goose – 110 feeding on far shore opposite Promenade
      Barnacle Goose – 2 with them
      Shelduck – 90
      Mallard – 10
      Eider – 4 at high tide
      Great White Egret – 1
      Little Egret – 2
      Lapwing – 750
      Curlew – 300
      Redshank – 520
      Dunlin – 40
      Bar tailed Godwit – 2
      Black tailed Godwit – 1
      Curlew Sandpiper – 1 as yesterday ( 5 seen together on Monday Oct 2nd)

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