Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe

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  • Joshh
      Post count: 91

      55 species around the site this morning, including
      Pink-footed Goose- 285 over
      Canada Goose- 112
      Wigeon- 8 on Freemans
      Teal- 42
      Goldeneye- 3 along the Lune before heading west towards Heysham
      Lapwing- 436
      Black-tailed Godwit- 21 NW
      Snipe- 1
      Chiffchaff- 1 singing by Freemans Pools
      Blackcap- 1
      Greenfinch- 25
      Great Spotted Woodpecker- 2 flew across the Marsh and continued across the Lune- migrants?
      Redwings and Fieldfare

      Mistle Thrush- 2 along New Quay Road

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