Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe

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  • Joshh
      Post count: 91

      A few migrants heading north included
      Goldfinch- 51
      Siskin- 9
      Finch sp.- 17
      Sand Martin- 8

      Other birds included
      Little Ringed Plover- 1
      Pink-foot- 440
      Gadwall- 4
      Wigeon- 2
      Teal- 2
      Little Grebe- 1
      Common Sandpiper- 1 by Gull Bank
      Willow Warbler- 3
      Chiffchaff- 7
      Blackcap- 6 (5 males)
      Lesser Whitethroat- 3 singing

      • This topic was modified 3 months ago by Joshh.
        Post count: 91


        Shoveler- 1 drake on Wildfowler’s Pools
        Tufted Duck- 9 (5 Freemans, 4 Wildfowler’s)
        Little-ringed Plover- 2
        Common Sandpiper- 1 Wildfowler’s
        Black-tailed Godwit- 8 Wildfowler’s
        White Wagtail- 2 on the Flood

        New Quay Road
        House Martin- 5
        Shelduck- 1 on the Lune (uncommon here)

          Post count: 91

          Wheatear- 5 (4 males)
          Whitethroat- 1 along saltmarsh
          Pink-footed Goose- 1 with Greylags
          Black-tailed Godwit- just 1 today

          • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Joshh.
        Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
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