Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe

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  • stephen wallis
      Post count: 77

      Wildfowlers Pool
      Grey Plover 1, smart looking bird. Flew high north
      LRP 2, confirmed when Barrie turned up with a scope 🙂
      Ringed Plover approx. 7
      Dunlin 1
      All the usual…
      Redshank numerous
      Peregrine disturbed birds.
      Meadow Pipits/Pied Wagtails
      Linnets on maize field.
      Green sandpiper on the flood, also Black tailed godwits etc.

      Barrie Cooper
        Post count: 143

        27/3 As above (LRP, Green Sand, etc but no Grey Plover) and four Sand Martins through at 10.40.

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