Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Whatsapp Roundup w/c 22/4/24 Reply To: Whatsapp Roundup w/c 22/4/24

    Post count: 97

    [24/04/2024, 08:06:08] Various: Heysham: common or Arctic tern flock of c20 flying in in heat haze second channel out prob Arctic ‎<This message was edited>

    [24/04/2024, 08:11:40] Various: Another 8 Arctic tern in close

    [24/04/2024, 08:36:24] Various: 15 Arctic terns doing what they do best – climbing up and heading overland NE over heysham head

    [24/04/2024, 08:58:26] Various: 18 more Arctic tern just climbed up and headed Inland over harbour (140 swallow in 1.5 hrs north)

    [24/04/2024, 09:46:38] Barrie Cooper: Whinchat and Wheatear at Aldcliffe Wildfowlers Pools

    [24/04/2024, 09:48:27] Various: Sea from back of heysham harbour looking out through harbour mouth 0728-0930: all flying in unless stated otherwise: 85 Arctic Tern in/overland (inc 20 distant where common not def ruled out), 63 sandwich tern in,9 common scoter,one red throat, I Kittiwake, two seemingly migratory Bar tailed godwit flock high to north of 44 plus 24, 12 whimbrel, 6 Sanderling, (sev Dunlin and knot flocks), 187 Swallow, 2 house Martin, 5 Sand Martin, c60 small passerine. Friday looks good and the event day on Sunday interesting forecast but wrap up well!

    [24/04/2024, 10:06:48] Various: Glossy ibis still in wet field adjoining horse paddock Middleton

    [24/04/2024, 16:18:51] Various: Anyone in eg heysham area – three common cranes circling over Knott end now – which way will they go? ‎<This message was edited>

    [24/04/2024, 16:49:18] Andrew McCafferty: They’ve just gone over Conder Green:
    3 Common Cranes north over Conder Green at 4.42pm. Mark Prestwood (via Chris Batty on Fylde group)

    [24/04/2024, 17:05:23] Phil Byle: They are over Yealand heading north

    [24/04/2024, 17:08:37] Phil Byle: I lost them when I texted. They may be dropping into Leight Moss, because I am looking from Holme and I can see right across the valley.

    [24/04/2024, 17:15:50] Garry Sharples: Heading north west over marsh Lane area milnthorpe now, towards a590/ Gilpin bridge direction