Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Whatsapp Roundup w/c 22/4/24 Reply To: Whatsapp Roundup w/c 22/4/24

Clay G
    Post count: 40

    26/04/2024, 08:59 – Various: New spoonbill in on em pools this am (not seen over heysham 😊where not a lot this morning – just Sandwich terns and whimbrel of note)

    26/04/2024, 09:49 – Mike: Couldn’t find it from Crag Rd viewpoint 9.30.

    26/04/2024, 12:58 – Richard: 3 cattle egrets at conder


    26/04/2024, 16:43 – Various: Glossy ibis still in horse paddock

    26/04/2024, 18:46 – Various: Yesterday: 1st summer Little Gull (thanks Philip), also spotted redshank same place

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Clay G.