LDBWS Summer Social. Fully Booked.

LDBWS Summer Social on Friday August 12th. It will be held in a beautiful wildlife-friendly garden literally overlooking the Lune estuary. Summery food and drink will be provided gratis. The site is a real hidden gem and will be our midday base for walks around a nearby private land with kingfishers and an egret colony and for passage wader and warbler-watching

October Meeting online – Alasdair McKee ‘Foulshaw: Birds and Beasts of the Bog’

Although best known for its Ospreys, Foulshaw Moss is home to a wealth of other wildlife. The ever eloquent and effortlessly effervescent Alasdair McKee (Cumbria Wildlife Trust Volunteer Warden and friend to LDBWS) will introduce us to some of the reserve's special residents in an entertaining illustrated talk.

November Meeting at Hornby Institute – Kevin Briggs ‘A Walk in the Woods’

Our November meeting will feature a talk from Kevin Briggs entitled 'A Walk in the Woods'. Kevin's presentation will focus on the nesting behaviour of four species; pied flycatcher, nuthatch, blue tit and great tit. Based on many seasons of his in-the-field monitoring and shot through with over fifty years of the speaker's ornithological nous,

January 1st 10am: LDBWS Field Meeting: New Year’s Day Walk at Aldcliffe

Join Dan Haywood, Barrie Cooper and other fellow LDBWS members for a gentle winter walk which will take in the birdlife of Freeman's Wood, Freeman's Pools, Aldcliffe Marsh SSSI and the Wildfowler's Pools. Meet at the south end of New Quay Road Lancaster (what3words: faster.stow.brings). Email Dan via ldbws.info@gmail.com for special requests and more information! 

January Meeting at Hornby Institute featuring ”Wild Ingleborough” talk

The Yorkshire Wildilfe Trust's Ellie Parker will tell us all about this landscape-scale habitat and wildlife restoration project at one of the NW's most beautiful upland sites.  In order to reduce car usage to these meetings it would be great if people could offer lifts- please email ldbws.info@gmail if you can help (similarly if you require a

Saturday February 4th 9:30-11:30 LDBWS Field Meeting: Hawfinch Walk at Silverdale – now Fully Booked

Following on from our successful event one year ago (6 or 7 hawfinches seen and more heard!), here's another bite at the cherrystone. Join Nick Godden and other experienced hawfinders for a fairly gentle walk where we hope to find this enigmatic red-listed species as well as a host of other attractive woodland birds in Silverdale & Arnside AONB. Sorry

Sat 18th February 09:00-12:00 LDBWS Field Meeting BIRDING BY BIKE

A low carbon special! Meet fellow birders for a slow, level cycle at the end of New Quay Road, Lancaster at 9AM. The ride (with lots of stops) will take in the sights of the Lune estuary as well as the quiet lanes of Thurnham and Cockersands for geese, swan species and raptors.   For

Mon 27th February 19:30 to 21:00 LDBWS Members Meeting Online featuring ”Birding in the Isle of Avalon” with Mike Roberts

The talk will look at the wide variety of habitats in the area now known as the Avalon Marshes near Glastonbury.  This includes reserves such as Ham Wall, Shapwick Heath, Westhay and Greylake. Featuring Mike's stunning photography It will look at some of ethnic conservation successes and cover species such as bitterns, little bitterns, great

March Meeting at Hornby Institute featuring “British bird skulls.”

It will be a fun session with plenty to look at as we get up close and cranial with Steve Bullen's fifty-year collection of British bird skulls. This one night only exhibition of dozens of beautiful heads will form the basis of a quiz. I suggest you start boning up because we're not just playing for pride!   Star prize will be another

Sat 6th May 07.30 LDBWS Field Meeting: Heysham Head – Morning Migrants

This morning meet-up on the rising tide hopes to produce passage seabirds including terns, skuas and auks as well as breeding rock pipits, linnets, passage chats, martins and warblers.  Members free, non-members £5 payable on the day. To book and for more details please email ldbws.info@gmail.com with the heading 'Heysham Head'.

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