Sun 26th November 07:45 Field meeting: Pilling Lane Ends

Join Nick Godden and Dan Haywood for an early morning session watching thousands of wild geese leaving their night-time roost- always a spectacular sight and sound. other birds we might encounter include Whooper Swans, ducks including Pintail and Wigeon and raptors including Merlin and Peregrine. Numbers are limited to 20 participants so please book your

November Meeting online -Britain’s Favourite Birds: five bird biographies – Dr Stephen Moss, Naturalist, Author and the first Springwatch Producer.

Stephen is a senior lecturer at Bath Spa University and the President of Somerset Wildlife Trust. Stephen is an entertaining and informative speaker who will provide the perfect pre-Xmas talk on five of Britain's favourite birds. Based on his many successful bird biographies, this talk will feature “The Owl,” which is due to be published

Sat 9th December 09:00 Field meeting: Birding the Lune estuary by bike

Meet fellow birders for a slow, level cycle at the end of New Quay Road, Lancaster at 9am. The ride (with lots of stops) will take in the sights of the Lune Estuary as well as the quiet lanes of Thurnham and Cockersands for geese, swan species and raptors. Please e-mail with the heading

Sat 2nd March 2024 9.30 Field Meeting: Gait Barrows and Coldwell Parrock

Hawfinch field trip and survey - Leaders John Webb and Andrew McCafferty (field trip), Nick Godden (survey) A repeat of our two successful visits in recent years with a slight twist where we ask experienced birders to join us for a co-ordinated survey in an attempt to better understand hawfinch's distribution and abundance in our

Sun 14th April 2024 10.00 Field Meeting: Foulshaw Moss

Alasdair McKee will lead us around one of his local patches, exploring the raised bog and surrounding fen and woodland. Alasdair has previously given talks to our indoor meetings about Foulshaw Moss and its famous ospreys so is an extremely knowledgeable guide. The ospreys are back for the 2024 breeding season and some early migrants

Sun 28th April 2024 07.00 Field Meeting: Heysham Head

A repeat of a previous trip as we aim to catch some spring migration in action at one of the premier migration sites in our area. Our main focus will be flexible depending on whether the weather conditions are better suited to watching seabird migration, overhead visible migration or looking for grounded migrants. Either way

Tues 28th May 2024 06.30 Field Meeting: Barbondale

Barbondale is a well-known and loved spring birdwatching destination in the north-east of our recording area.  We'll take another evening walk looking for the characteristic birds of upland woodland and associated habitats in the valley.  We can hope to see pied flycatcher, redstart and cuckoo amongst other species.  Numbers are limited so booking is essential. 

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