One flying over the middle of Holme at dusk on the 8th, which is an unusual record
Hi, can you e-mail me (
@Gar – please can you let me know where on Holme Moss. I am covering those squares for the breeding bird survey, so would be good to keep track on it. Thanks, Phil
No sign of Spoonbill at 0700. Greenshank and a couple of Wigeon still on the pools.
0800-0900 7th May
2 Pintail 5 Wigeon 1 Teal 1 Great White Egret 1 Med Gull heard calling when I walked down the track to check for migrants
Also Barn Owl from the sky tower at 2000 last night, plus riding Woodcock at the Top end of the reserve
There were at least 5 avocets down at the Slag Tip at 1900 last night. They were feeding in the river channel. Also one knot there