Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Whatsapp roundup w/c 27/5/24

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  • andrewmccafferty
      Post count: 97

      Apologies for getting behind: too much birding is my excuse… Will update this evening and then try to do it more regularly, if people still find it useful (which a couple of people have said they do!)

      [27/05/2024, 15:47:59] Various: 1546: Hairy Hawker on west side of Middleton NR
      Very mobile, still not managed a shot (per Malcolm)

      [27/05/2024, 16:13:19] Various: Seen along concrete road along west side of western marsh and also way up the ‘hill’ to the west. Seen now by five observers over three days assuming just one very mobile insect but it’s been a real pain eluding for eg a pic or video from Janet, a top flight opportunity photographer (remember last autumns little auk) ‎<This message was edited>

      [27/05/2024, 16:26:38] Andrew McCafferty: At least one little stint on the beach at Cockersands about 10 mins ago, lost it now

      [27/05/2024, 16:31:18] Andrew McCafferty: Also a whimbrel now

      [27/05/2024, 16:51:16] Various: Seen again briefly Midd NR – best area to search seems to be in the region of the yellow barrier at the NW corner of the marshy area and near the SE corner of the golf course boundary

      [27/05/2024, 17:22:23] Mark Cookson: Spoonbill from EM hide.. Leighton Moss

      [27/05/2024, 17:54:53] ~ David TALBOT: Has the Hairy Dragonfly been 100% identified? I was initally caught out this afternoon by what has clearly been a large emergence of Emperors. Saw at least 8 in Eaves Wood, Silverdale most of which were teneral and so not fully coloured but the green (very) thorax is most noticeable. Also didn’t look as big. A previous WhatsApp here referred to a green thorax on the “Hairy”. Normally a Hairy would appear dark brown with broken yellow/green sides. A photo would be great.

      [27/05/2024, 18:01:34] Various: Just to reiterate on postings other than birds now the creepy-crawly season is getting into full swing. Please limit to (promptly posted if possible) records of rare migrants/wanderers eg dragonflies could include yellow winged or red veined darter, vagrant or lesser emperor, hairy hawker. Please don’t post records of species known to be resident in the area but please do enter your records of fauna and flora on IRecord, preferably with a confirmation pic if it is a bit out of its usual range eg a downriver golden ringed dragonfly. Thanks

      [27/05/2024, 18:07:51] Various: Yes it’s whizzing around and appearing as a small dark hawker with bits of blue on the side. Not a chance that it is an emperor – you are dealing with experienced dragonfly watchers here with eg four fully documented vagrant emperor records between them! It’s just that the insect(s) is so fast and mobile – green thorax referred to impressions of stripes. My advice Dave is to get there and help the search – sadly I can’t manage myself

      [27/05/2024, 18:12:47] Various: Very late gang of 32 Dark-bellied Brent Geese off Rydal road next to sunny slopes groyne Heysham

      [27/05/2024, 19:31:35] Various: The person with the closest views saw two green stripes on thorax

      [29/05/2024, 09:47:16] Various: Early morning Seawatch at heysham on the dropping tide didn’t produce the longshot late skuas: only inbound birds were three Common Scoter; Manx Shearwater 5 plus 2, Gannet 1, Common scoter 6 plus 3, Guillemot 2

      [29/05/2024, 14:00:06] Jon Carter: Little gull at Lilian’s

      [29/05/2024, 20:33:56] Various: Gannet grounded off play area north of heysham head having flown in from the east overland! Not looking good – surrounded by gulls (per Malcolm)

      [30/05/2024, 12:20:02] Various: Belated record of a black headed 2cy Little Gull on Heysham outfalls on 26th – does this fit with any of the up to five on Conder pool? So at least six lingering/potentially summering 2cy in the area which is unprecedented

      [30/05/2024, 12:22:55] Ian Hartley: Yes, it fits one from Conder. Black head and wing moult had gone further than the other birds.

      [30/05/2024, 13:28:39] Jon Carter: Osprey just gone over my house in Lancaster, and drifted off toward the Lune at Aldcliffe.

      [30/05/2024, 14:10:35] Chris Work Phone: Only a merlin sound ID, but common redstart in garden of Leighton Moss.

      [30/05/2024, 14:13:33] Jon Carter: Beware Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler Chris – Merlin often attributes their calls, erroneously, to Redstart.

      [30/05/2024, 14:15:08] Chris Rodowicz: I always take Merlin with a pinch of salt. I felt after having seen them here that it might be worth mentioning.

      [30/05/2024, 14:22:25] Rob Foster: and Chaffinch!

        Post count: 97

        [01/06/2024, 12:04:16] Rob Pocklington: Red kite above Levens play park

        [02/06/2024, 09:32:52] Various: Sea off Heysham: a late flock of 7 Arctic tern, one dark morph arctic skua, 12 common scoter and a Gannet (per Mark Prestwood)

        [02/06/2024, 10:12:35] Jarrod Sneyd: Little gull, Lower hide, Leighton Moss

        [02/06/2024, 11:48:03] Jarrod Sneyd: Little gull 2, Causeway pool, L Moss

        [02/06/2024, 15:55:11] Various: Late migrant spotted flycatcher along golf course edge Middleton NR

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