Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Various in the AONB

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 541

      Passage bycatch from a breeding wader survey in SD47T today included;

      Jack Snipe 1
      Wheatear 4 (Icelandic-looking males in treetop then N.)
      Willow Warbler 8 presumed off-passage singers
      Yellow Wagtail 1 male low N
      Lesser Redpoll 5 as above
      Swallow 63 N during the afternoon

      An early Garden Warbler was in song, as was a Hawfinch.


      On April 15th a male Hawfinch was seen in the New Barns area of SD47N, as was a feeding flock of 28 Siskins, a party of four Crossbills (in pines), and a singing Lesser Whitethroat.

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