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  • Clay G
      Post count: 41

      26/2 Lunchtime – Williamson Park & Fenham Carr

      Male siskin on feeders again
      Rooks nest-building at base of Carr
      2 Bullfinches singing
      2 greater-spotted woodpeckers competitive drumming on Carr.
      Buzzard overhead (scared off both woodpeckers)
      At least five nuthatches
      Mistle thrush singing

      27/2 Morning – Lancaster Canal

      Grey wagtail feeding on towpath by Chancellor’s Wharf
      Goosander 2m 1f
      Gadwall 1m with mallards on Ripley field. Wondering how many times I’ve missed him due to not paying attention when walking this stretch…
      Grey Heron on canal opposite entrance to Fairfield NR

      Fairfield, LDBWS Feeders

      40-50 chaffinches
      Reed Bunting 1f
      2 each blue tit & great tit
      1 blackbird
      2 robins
      3 stock doves
      20 jackdaws, 10 woodpigeons, 2 crows, four pheasants, 1 magpie and 2 squirrels – although they did clear off and leave some food for the smaller birds after a while
      Singing nearby: song thrush, mistle thrush, nuthatch, bullfinch, wren, robin and more chaffinches
      1 buzzard overhead

      This morning – River Lune

      Common sandpiper still here – rocky “beach” at base of Carlisle Bridge (on SGQ side)

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