Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Torrisholme CC

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  • eddybayton
      Post count: 144

      At least one pair of GS woodpecker active and two pairs of mistle thrush. Nuthatch have been present all winter at a feeder and appear to have migrated from the Crem onto our trees. Plenty of evidence of the usual suspects, wood pigeon, wren, house sparrow, robin, blackbird, song thrush, treecreeper, starling, lt, g and b tit, greenfinch, goldfinch and recently chiffchaff vocal. A pair of regular herring gull appear to have been usurped by a pair of lbb gull on our flat roof but the carrion crow family are still in evidence as are two pairs of magpie. Best of all today was a pristine F wheatear chasing insects on the closely mown cricket square. It stayed for over an hour before moving North. As of today the regular (22 years) swallows who breed in my machine shed have not arrived. I have found swallows pretty thin on the ground to be honest and this year’s arrival (Scotforth, Quernmore, Slyne) was my latest ever in N Lancs.

        Post count: 144

        The Captcha ID for posting is becoming a burden. It took me 20 minutes to post the data above because I couldn’t recognise a motorbike or a telephone box or the exact centre of an owls head. We will lose local data if people aren’t easily able to post their sightings. I know it’s difficult, this computer security lark, but there has to be a better way than Captcha.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 538

          Hi Eddy. Yes– the new captchas are particularly tedious– so thanks for persevering. We’ve already voiced our opprobrium to the webmaster (who introduced the current system after some Chinese spam) and he’s looking into it.

          Thanks again.

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