Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Swifts, swallows, martins, blackcap. F’mans wood

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  • Filosophy
      Post count: 77

      Today, Monday 8th May, 5-6pm

      Stroll down to Willow Lane park and football field turned into a fun bird walk…

      Willow lane park and football field:
      2 oystercatchers feeding at back end of field!
      Two swallows feeding over field
      Then noticed several swifts and house? Martin’s feeding above field
      Several lesser black backed gulls
      6 goldfinches
      Ten starlings, more on nearby rooftops
      Several wood pigeons
      Several male blackbirds

      Male Blackcap hopping about on chestnut blossom near stream

      Counted group of at least 30 (altogether) Swifts and house? Martin’s feeding together high over field in middle of field in Freeman’s wood. Walked there for a better look. Swifts and Martins Flying and feeding together above field and woods.4 lesser? Black backed gulls attempting to chase some of the Swifts and Martins. For fun…? Two swallows also appeared here, feeding lower. Swallows appeared to drift back towards football field whilst Swifts and Martins moved closer to frog pond. Goldfinches also appeared, perhaps interested in the flying insects too?

      What a fantastic sight!

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