Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Swallow nesting behaviour

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  • eddybayton
      Post count: 144

      Sad to report two dead swallow nestlings on the floor underneath the ridge beam of my machine shed at Torrisholme. They were 3/4 grown and very vocal yesterday. The first brood fledged successfully. These two looked plump and healthy with well grown feathers, just very dead. There has been a fair bit of activity around the shed recently with about 5 adults and a lot of chattering and males vigorously chasing each other. Interestingly two birds were bringing in fresh material for a nest as I was leaving today. I was wondering if there is a lot of competition for nest sites and a stronger bird had destroyed the existing nest. Any thoughts anyone?

      Steve Graham
        Post count: 113

        Hi Eddy

        It is known of males killing offspring to take over a nest site from a more subordinate male. So that maybe what you have unwittingly witnessed. If the dead youngsters looked healthy and there isn’t a food shortage or predation that is a strong possibility.


          Post count: 144

          Interesting. Thank you. That sounds the most likely solution.

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