Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Sunday morning

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 247

      Heysham North Harbour Wall (8.20 – 10.50 am) – Just about enough interest to persevere given that I’d missed PJM’s early morning Pom and Arctic Skua.
      5 Gannet (flying out of the Bay)
      7 Common Scoter (flying in, landing on the sea, then continuing into the Bay)
      1 Red-throated Diver (flying out)
      6 Razorbill (5 + 1 flying out)
      29 ‘auk sp’ (5 + 11 + 3 + 10 flying in very distantly)
      20 Kittiwake (10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 3 flying out, mostly distantly)
      3 Sanderling (flying out)
      4 Sandwich Tern

      Eric Morecambe Pools (from Crag Road – 11.20 – 12.50 pm)
      6 Spoonbill – asleep on the Eric Morecambe Pool, later split into 3 + 1 feeding and 2 asleep
      1 Great White Egret – south end of Barrow Scout Fields
      43 Avocet – mostly on the Allen Pool
      2 3rd CY Mediterranean Gull – Allen Pool
      1 Sandwich Tern – Allen Pool
      1 Black Swan – Flood
      2 female Goosander, 1 immature Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Eider – all on Eric Morecambe Pool
      39 Eider – outer edge of Carnforth Marsh at high tide

      (No sign of Little Gull reported on Allen Pool, but parts of the pool are obscured from the Crag Road viewpoint)

      Pete C

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