Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Skerton Weir

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  • stephen wallis
      Post count: 77

      Grey heron 21, great to count this number of birds today, as the east path is still closed so I have been unable to access the heronry proper. These birds were all on the river bank above and below the weir.
      BH Gull 340 approx.
      Comm Gull 5
      Her Gull 18
      LBB Gull 5
      GBB Gull 1
      Grey wagtail 2
      Treecreeper 2
      Blue/Great Tit, Wren, Blackbird, Robin (few days ago counted 9 Blackbird and also 1 Mistle thrush).
      Woodpigeon, Magpie, Crow.
      Goosander 3
      Little grebe 1
      Moorhen, Teal and Mallard.
      Mute swan 2
      Cormorant 2
      Sparrowhawk 1

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