Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Red Nab – Heysham Harbour and Bare – Hest Bank

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 255

      Rock Pipit – 4 between Red Nab and Heysham Harbour.

      Peregrine – 1 roosting on Heysham 2 Power Station.

      Shag – adult-type roosting on one of the structures near the outflow pipe in SW corner of harbour. It disappeared when some workmen in a boat appeared in that part of the harbour.

      Cormorant – 70 roosting on the wooden pier and the outfall railings.

      Pink-footed Goose 160 (skeins of 75 and 85) flew north across the Bay.

      Red-throated Diver – 1 distant offshore, drifting into the Bay on the rising tide.

      Pale-bellied Brent Goose – 33 flew over the wooden pier towards Red Nab at 9.55 am and settled on Red Nab. None were colour-ringed.

      Turnstone – 110 on Park Street groyne, Bare and 65 on Teal Bay groyne on the rising tide.

      Black-headed Gull – an aberrant adult, with Med Gull-like pure white primaries, but Black-headed Gull bill, hood and overall structure among the small number of gulls roosting on the sea at Hest Bank late morning.

      Pete C

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