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  • guymcclelland
      Post count: 140

      An Osprey appeared over the bay and then followed the prom before appearing to turn in land at Morecambe Town Hall at 1020 this morning.

      A large raptor flew into the Bay about 30 minutes earlier. It was very far in to the Bay and I didn’t have any optics. It upset all the gulls and waders though.

      Chiffchaff are starting to move through Cockersand Drive gardens: 1 on the 19th and two on the 20th. One seemed to spend the entire day in a neighbour’s plum tree.

        Post count: 140

        A hummingbird hawkmoth has just paid a brief visit to the budleia to our garden on Cockersand Drive, Hala.

      Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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