Stone Jetty, Morecambe – 3 female Common Scoter north of Stone Jetty on incoming tide
Strathmore groyne, Morecambe – 1 female Scaup – present here during December, but first time it has appeared this year.
Teal Bay groyne – Adult Herring x Lesser Black-backed Gull hybrid – mantle colour intermediate between these two species in direct comparisons, heavily streaked head, washed-out pale pink legs.
Battery car park to Teal Bay – short stops to check the sea and limestone groynes from various locations along the Morecambe seafront in ideal viewing conditions also produced: 7 Great Crested Grebe, 117 Eider (with more very distantly towards Carnforth Slag Tips), 7 Red-breasted Merganser, 115 Turnstone and 1 Grey Seal
Pine Lake – Juvenile Great Northern Diver – eventually showing well relatively close to the parking area on the east side
7 Great Crested Grebe
1 Little Grebe
20 Mute Swan (but not the recent Whooper Swan)
136 Tufted Duck
6 Pochard (5 males, 1 female)
17 Goldeneye (4 males, 13 females)
5 Goosander (2 males, 3 females)
28 Gadwall
8 Shoveler
1 male Pintail
1 male Teal
1 Little Egret – flew over
Pete C